* NOTE: The video I reference here has been previously recorded but not released, talking about the land details, placement, and regulations you must follow when buying land. It will be edited shortly.

This video is in reference to a viewer @sarah.j_ca asking “how much of the land is yours?”. I share my site plan, the mockup rendering of the house placement needed for the township’s approval, and overlay the site plan on top of my drone footage to help visualize the size of my 2 acre property.

If you’re new here, welcome! This channel will be changing rapidly over the next year as I transition from a documentary travel series to a design vlog, then again to a DYI renovation series once the house is built. I have several years of videos planned out, so hit that subscribe button today.

Over the next several months, I’ll share my design inspiration – modern, clean, minimal – and show the evolution of the house design. I’ll talk about inspirational kitchen design and how to get the most out of your budget. I’ll share tips on how to design your bathroom to feel like an upscale spa, and how to balance minimalism with creative elements. I’ll even go into the technical details of designing electrical plans and how to select mechanical equipment for efficient solar use. I’m especially excited to talk about how my autism and sensory processing disorder is influencing the design and how we can all design better flowing homes.

There’s so much more to come. Let me know in the comments if there are any specific topics you’d like me to cover. Building community is important to me, so please comment often!
My builder:
Another Boreal Home by Smart Homes Ottawa Inc.
http://smarthomesottawainc.net – 613-493-0115
00:00 – Intro
00:39 – Looking at the site plan for the three severed 2 acre lots
01:42 – Overlaying my site plan on my drone footage for context
02:48 – Ending, please subscribe

#housedesign #bathroomdesign #shower #architecture #construction #customhouse


After losing his job 2 years ago, Andy and his wife MC decided to reboot their lives. They sold their house and belongings, packed up the Tesla, and hit the road on a year long journey across North America. Now back in the Ottawa area, join Andy on his inspiring journey to build a sensory-friendly home on a shoestring budget in the charming town of Smiths Falls, Ontario.

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After losing his job 2 years ago, Andy and his wife MC decided to reboot their lives. They sold their house and belongings, packed up the Tesla, and hit the road on a year long journey across North America. Now back in the Ottawa area, join Andy on his inspiring journey to build a sensory-friendly home on a shoestring budget in the charming town of Smiths Falls, Ontario.