After a restful and productive stay in British Columbia, we finally head across the border into the United States of America. Crossing the border was stressful, but we make it to Seattle safely.

But also, we visit the Museum of Pop Culture, the piers of Seattle, Pike Place Market, and get a visit from a friend!

Next week we head further south as the weather gets colder. We visit the Portland area and go on some hikes in Oregon.

If you enjoyed this video, please let us know what your favourite part was in the comments. Comments help us get promoted more by Youtube. Share your favourite moment with someone you know. And of course, please subscribe if you haven’t already.
For those who don’t know the story so far, let me fill you in.

I’m Andy. A year ago I was laid off from a job that I loved, and it broke my autistic brain. So I decided to leave corporate life behind for a while. I sold my house, packed up the Tesla, and hit the road for 2 years with my wife MC. Unfortunately, this adventure is not starting off the way I intended it to.

But when has anything good ever come easy?

I’m hoping to have a Patreon community up and running in the next 3-4 weeks with the uncensored director’s cuts, and the merch store should be up soon too. Reboot Experiment t-shirts (as well as my Brainbuzz designs) are available now at

To have your hotel or rental featured in the Reboot Experiment, please reach out to Andy at . We not only feature the location, but also the surroundings, local foods, activities, and more. Especially interested in upscale, modern, unique and private locations that are sensory-friendly.


After losing his job 2 years ago, Andy and his wife MC decided to reboot their lives. They sold their house and belongings, packed up the Tesla, and hit the road on a year long journey across North America. Now back in the Ottawa area, join Andy on his inspiring journey to build a sensory-friendly home on a shoestring budget in the charming town of Smiths Falls, Ontario.

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After losing his job 2 years ago, Andy and his wife MC decided to reboot their lives. They sold their house and belongings, packed up the Tesla, and hit the road on a year long journey across North America. Now back in the Ottawa area, join Andy on his inspiring journey to build a sensory-friendly home on a shoestring budget in the charming town of Smiths Falls, Ontario.